Who doesn’t love a good mystery? Perhaps it comes as no surprise, given the nature of birding, that birders do! And a very diligent birder among us just solved a real whopper. In October 2024, birders spotted a Common Gull at the golf course at the Samoset Resort in Rockland. Now, Common Gulls are common Read More
Nature of Maine Blog
The Natural Resources Council of Maine’s “Nature of Maine” blog gives you the inside scoop on some of the latest issues facing Maine’s environment. From environmental news to threats to opportunities, NRCM is on the frontlines of the latest goings-on—and we’re often leading the charge on efforts to protect Maine’s precious lands, air, waters, and wildlife. Read what NRCM staff members have to say and get the perspective of some of our members and supporters who have been guest contributors.
Perhaps you have an issue you’d like to write about. Maybe you’re an expert on a particular topic and are inspired to share your expertise. Maybe you’ve recently made a visit to a spectacular Maine nature preserve or other natural area and would like to write about it (captioned photos welcome!). For submission guidelines, email nrcm@nrcm.org.
Critter Chatter – Reminiscing, Part V
I continue to share more of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. I found several about the generous efforts of local students to help support the rehab center. From August 2005: “For two years, China Primary School students have selected the Wildlife Read More
Attacks on Environmental Laws and Investments Pose a Threat to Maine
Over the past two weeks, the Trump Administration has released a flurry of proposals aimed at increasing our use of expensive fossil fuels, undermining bedrock environmental laws, eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, and attempting to override the role of Congress to decide how the budget of the United States will be spent. These actions Read More
2025 Environmental Priorities in Maine
The start of the legislative session in Maine is always an exciting time. A time of promise and possibilities. This year, we’re focused on advancing progress for Maine’s environment and communities by acting on climate, expanding access to the outdoors for all, and safeguarding a healthy environment. Nearly 2,200 bills have been filed, and we’ve Read More
How Offshore Wind Can Lower Electricity Prices in New England
The cold streaks Mainers have faced in recent weeks, combined with President Trump’s early actions blocking homegrown wind energy and the delivery of funding already approved by Congress to help our communities, provide an opportunity to revisit the connection between wind power and energy costs. January 21st was a great example of how offshore wind Read More
“Duck”-ing Maine’s Winter
Being birders, the two of us tend to incentivize chores and errands by working in a little birding when and where it makes sense. In winter, one of our favorite places to – can we say it? – “duck” in on is Gardiner Waterfront Park. Since we live in Gardiner, it’s conveniently located to any Read More
Nature-based Shoreline Rules Protect Maine’s Waterways
Historically, riprap, retaining walls, and other hardened structures have been the dominant means by which erosion has been controlled along the shorelands of our lakes, rivers, and ocean waters. Although effective and necessary in some cases, these structures can have unintended consequences such as intensifying erosion next to the structure, degrading habitat for plants and Read More
What’s Next for Maine’s EPR for Packaging Program?
If you’ve been following along with us, you may know that Maine was the first state in the nation to pass an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) law for product packaging. After a multi-year, exhaustive stakeholder engagement process led by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), the rules for this program were officially approved in Read More
Critter Chatter — Reminiscing, Part IV
As noted in recent columns, I’ll be sharing some of Carleen Cote’s past articles because Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center isn’t accepting any wildlife or phone inquiries right now. What follows is a story entitled, “Labor of Love” from August 3, 2002: “This week’s ‘Critter Chatter’ is not about the Duck Pond Wildlife Care Center Read More